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Ritina Caregivers International Limited, a registered company based in Kumasi, Ghana is committed to the attainment of high levels of success in the health and social work field. As such, we are looking for a successful company to partner with your company whereby qualified healthcare personnel and social workers from Ghana shall be recruited after thouroghful interview by both companies via zoom in our office. We see those qualities in your company and we write to you to partner our outfit to make the world a better and caring place to stay and grow old together.

Globally, the nunber of elder persons is growing faster than the number of people in any other age group. Over the next 15 years, the nunber of older persons is expected to grow by 23% in Europe, 41% in North America and 64% in Africa. In 2015, one in eight people worldwide was aged 60 years or over. By 2030, older persons are projected to account for one in six people globally. By the middle of the 21st century, one in every five people will be aged 60 years and over. (UN, World Population Report, 2015)

In response to the world’s ageing population and to address the increasing demand for qualified caregivers, Ritina Caregivers International Limited is embarking on a mission to provide families across the globe who wish to care for their elderly and disabled loved ones and other family members needing care through partnership with health inclined institutions/agencies worldwide.

Through our partnership with your outfit, you will have access to our stock of well-trained health workers and professionals as well as social workers. In line with our standards, we recruit only qualified professionals using interviews conducted in our office by both agencies using ‘Zoom’.

Coming from a traditional backyard with well-knit family ties, care is an intrinsic value instilled in our recruits who are mostly qualified live-in caregivers, home nursing, home care services, social work and other related programs.

We look forward to getting some of our professionals working in your outfit to further their experience whilst extending their help and care to the global world.

We hope to hear from your outfit soon through our contact provided below:

E-mail: info@ritinacaregiversinternational.com

Mobile/Whatsapp: 233244591378

Website: www.ritinacaregiversinternational.com